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India Brazil cooperation for Hidroxycloroquine Exportation

Into the pandemic situation caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), most of countries adopted measures to prevent the disease in many ways. Regarding its intern market, India issued several Official Notices prohibiting the exportation of some products, since it counts with a population of more than 1,3 billion people. In what concerns the pharma sector, fearing the lack of medicines for its population, India prohibited the exports of some products which are being appointed as essential and efficient for the new virus’ treatment. The hidroxycloroquine and its composts are the main prohibited elements.

The Coroquine has been appointed as the main medication to find the cure for coronavirus as it is already used to heal Malaria, Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. In this way, researchers all over the world are running to find the answer in its rich properties.

India is known for exporting 20% of the raw materials generic medicines in the world and the stop of the exports means a state of Alert around the world. Therefore, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has attended to more than 30 bilateral webconferences, being one of them with the President of Brazil, Mr. Jair Bolosnaro.

The India Brazil Chamber of Commerce (IBCC), in its mission to provide and support the commercial relationship between both countries, congratulates the Brazilian Government, through Ministry of External Affairs and the Embassy of Brazil in New Delhi, and the Government of India, represented by the Embassy of India in Brasília and the Ministry of External Affairs, by their cooperation for exportation of the Hidroxycloroquine. IBCC has been working on its Members’ demands related to the medicines and inputs that are very important to Brazilian Market but had their exportation stopped. This cooperation is very important to IBCC’s actions. The result was the liberation of the first cargo of Hidroxycloroquine to Brazil by the Government of India since it is crucial to COVID-19 treatment.

At last, it is important to elucidate that India and Brazil strongly work together through an healthy and fruitful commercial and diplomatic relationship in many economy sectors, always counting with institutions as IBCC which is on their disposal to strengthen this partnership.

By India Brazil Chamber of Commerce

Department for Market Intelligence

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