The Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI), with the support of the India Brazil Chamber of Commerce, is organizing the Autumn "Knowing India" Course, which will take place on May 10, 2019 at CEBRI.
The opening will count with the illustrious presence of Mrs. Anna Jaguaribe, Councilor of the CEBRI, and of the Exmo. Ambassador of India to Brazil, Mr. Ashok Das.
In addition, a rich content on the social, cultural and economic aspects will be exposed by the President of the Chamber Mr. Leonardo Ananda, addressing the topic "Negotiating with India", the fastest growing country in the world today. Other renowned speakers will participate, Mr. Renato Flôres, CEBRI Counselor, Dr. Rashmi Singh, Associate Professor of PUC Minas Gerais, Dr. Maurício Santoro, Adjunct Professor of the International Relations Department of the State University of Rio de January, and his Exmo. Pedro Mariano, Diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Brazilian Center for International Relations is guided by excellence, ethics and transparency in the formulation and dissemination of high quality content on the international scene and the role of Brazil. Engaging the public and private sectors, academia and civil society in a pluralistic debate, CEBRI influences the construction of the country's international agenda and subsidizes the formulation of public policies, generating actions of impact and foresight.
Over nineteen years of history, it has held nearly 500 events, produced more than 200 publications and operates with an international network of more than 100 top-level entities on all continents. Connected to the international agenda, CEBRI identifies and analyzes the most relevant international issues, promoting the engagement between the production of knowledge and political action.