The associate of the India Brazil Chamber of Commerce, Cipla Limited, is one of the largest pharmaceutical laboratories in India and has operations in Brazil. We talked this week with the company's representative in Brazil, Mr. Gaurav Datay, who spoke a little about the company's actions in combating COVID-19, in India and worldwide. According to Mr. Datay, a multi-department “taskforce” was created with a set of actions for quick decision making. One of the actions was the creation of an alcohol gel owned by CiplaHands, and free distribution to all company employees. Each employee was given a special identity to continue working on more than 35 plants around the world. The company's employees in India are going to work on buses hired by the company exclusively for this transport following the guidelines and recommendations of the WHO and the Ministry of Health of India such as a distance of 1 meter between passengers, the temperature measurement of all and the adoption of strict cleaning practices. The company's Chairman entered into an agreement for the rapid development of API’s for the manufacture of drugs used to combat COVID-19. In addition, they made it possible to supply various medicines to several countries before formalizing the export restrictions for some medicines, imposed by the Government of India. “Cipla is registering in several countries, including in Brazil, new drugs that help to fight this pandemic.” Says Mr. Gaurav Datay, Cipla. The Chamber is proud of its associates who work to make a difference!